Delighted to announce that @ClonmoreGFC Jim Bolger has been elected as the new Chairman of CLG Ceatharlach.
Commiserations to @KilbrideGfc1 Liam Foley.
Congratulations to @GaaEoin Tommy Murphy elected to the honourary role of Úachtarán CLG Ceatharlach tonight
Commiserations to @BtownGaels Liam Barry, two great @Carlow_GAA Volunteers.
Our incoming Treasurer Seán Campion @BallinabrannaGF & Assistant Treasurer Johnny Doyle @Grange_GAA both elected unopposed.
After many years of hard work, huge thanks to both John Dunphy @Eireogcarlow & Cormac O’Toole @Tinryland_GFC who are finishing their time as Officers.
Great appreciation also for our outgoing Chairman Seán Campion who we are delighted is taking on another role going forward.
Outgoing Chairperson presented with a framed Joe McDonagh Cup jersey to mark his time in the hotseat by County PRO Linda Redmond.